Agreement R: The Grammar Rule You Need to Know for Proper English

Agreement R is a grammar rule that often goes overlooked, but it is an important principle to follow for proper English writing. In essence, Agreement R refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence. Specifically, it pertains to those instances where the subject and verb are separated by words such as “either…or”, “neither…nor”, “not only…but also” and “whether…or”.

To understand Agreement R more clearly, let’s consider some examples:

1. Neither Tom nor his friends are fond of spicy food.

In this sentence, the subject is “Tom and his friends”, and the verb is “are fond”. The singular “is fond” would not be correct here, even though “Tom” is singular because the presence of “nor” indicates that there are multiple subjects involved.

2. Either the teacher or the students are responsible for handing in the homework.

Here again, the subject and verb are separated by the word “or”, which signals that there are two potential subjects involved. Therefore, “are responsible” is the correct verb form to use.

3. Not only does he love pizza, but he also makes it himself.

In this example, the subject is “he”, and the verb is “does”. The presence of “not only…but also” does not change the agreement between the subject and the verb.

4. Whether you believe it or not, the earth is round.

“Whether…or” is used here, which means the subject “you” is singular, and the verb “believe” must match accordingly.

Failure to follow Agreement R can lead to awkward and incorrect sentences, and ultimately compromise the clarity and credibility of your writing.

So, it is important to remember that when the subject and verb are separated by words such as “either…or”, “neither…nor”, “not only…but also” and “whether…or”, remember to use the correct form of the verb that agrees with the subject.

To sum up, if you want your writing to be grammatically correct and effective, Agreement R is a grammar rule that you simply can’t ignore. Always remember to carefully examine the subject and verb agreement in your sentences and adjust accordingly. By doing so, you will improve your writing and increase your chances of conveying your message clearly and effectively.