The OPEC UAE agreement: What you need to know

Recently, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its allies, collectively referred to as OPEC+, reached an agreement with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) after a week-long standoff. The agreement aims to restructure the production quotas within OPEC+ and ensure that production levels remain stable.

Here`s what you need to know about the OPEC UAE agreement:


OPEC, a cartel of 13 oil-producing countries, and its allies, led by Russia, have been controlling oil supplies and prices through production cuts since 2017. The goal of these production cuts is to balance the supply and demand equilibrium of oil in the global market, which has been disrupted by oversupply and falling prices.

The UAE, one of OPEC`s largest producers, has been a key player in the production cuts, but disagreements arose when the country demanded that its baseline production level be increased in the current agreement. The UAE argued that its current production quota was unfair and did not reflect the actual increase in its production capacity.


After a week of negotiations, OPEC+ finally reached an agreement with the UAE to increase its baseline production levels. Under the new agreement, the UAE`s baseline production level will increase from 3.168 million barrels per day (bpd) to 3.5 million bpd starting in May 2022.

The new agreement also includes a gradual increase in production quotas for other OPEC+ countries, including Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Kuwait.


The OPEC UAE agreement is expected to have a significant impact on global oil prices and production levels. With increased production levels, the global market is likely to see increased supply, which could lead to lower prices.

However, the agreement also ensures that production levels remain stable, which could prevent a repeat of the price war that occurred in 2020 when OPEC+ failed to reach a deal on production cuts.


The OPEC UAE agreement is a significant development in the oil market, as it ensures that OPEC+ remains united and committed to stabilizing oil prices. The agreement also addresses the UAE`s concerns about its production quota, which could lead to increased cooperation among OPEC+ members in the future.

As always, the global oil market is unpredictable, and unforeseen events could disrupt production levels and prices. However, with the OPEC UAE agreement in place, the market is likely to be more stable in the short term.